The X-Teens were an awesome band! I play a bunch of their stuff on Comboland Radio culled from the 1 EP, 1 45 and 2 LP’s they released. “Internal tensions” broke the band apart which was a shame because it seemed they just about to make it to the next level. Todd Jones wrote several of the songs we feature by the X-Teens, and Todd Jones is back! His new CD “Mister Sensitive” features songs he has written during the past couple of decades. This is a very cool CD, lots of fun to listen to. It is available at CD Baby as either a CD or download. For more details on the CD go to THIS PAGE on Todd’s website. And listen for cuts from “Mister Sensitive” on Comboland Radio.

Don Dixon and Marti Jones have made a new CD! They have been touring a bit in the last couple of years so I guess Dixon finally convinced Marti to put down the paint brushes long enough to record a few tunes. “Living Stereo” is available at CD Baby. Dixon says always thought they recorded bunches of duets but only 2 or 3 ever made it to CD. They did record a few more for tribute albums which seemed to be the rage for a bit. This CD marks the first real Marti and Dixon CD. Marti’s voice is still just as pure as you may remember and marries well to Dixon’s self-proclaimed caterwauling which I, and many others, have always loved.

Somehow I missed the Aqualads. They are a surf-rock band from Charlotte, and believe me… they have perfected the sound! I downloaded all 4 of their CD’s from CD Baby. This is some great stuff! They just released “Treasures” a few months ago and it is a good place to start if, like me, you are new to this band. But if you are a surf music fan you will want the earlier offerings as well.

The Dex Romweber Duo’s “Is That You In The Blue” is now out and available from Bloodshot Records. Just like the Aqualads above Dex and sis Sarah recorded the album at Rick Miller’s (Southern Culture On The Skids) Kudzu Ranch. Rick and Mary Queen Of SCOTS also play on one of the tunes. This is one cool cd! Go get it!

Speaking of SCOTS they have a new release coming out in September. “Zombiefied” was an EP released in Australia in 1998. It will now be released here with some newly recorded tracks added to extend it to proper “album length”. They have been playing some of the Zombiefied tracks at their recent gigs to get people like me excited to buy the new LP or CD. And even though I already have the EP (which ain’t cheap to get) I’ll gladly get a copy of the new release! Also I saw on Facebook that Rick was re-mastering the 1985 self-titled LP so that may be coming out soon!\
Nantucket Has released a new 7 song CD “You Need A Ride To Raleigh”. Listen for the title track on Comboland Radio. Also listen for new tunes from “When Cousins Marry” and the “James Thomas Band”.
I wrote about the Malamondos from Greensboro in a previous update but somehow missed getting their tunes in the playlist. That has been corrected and you can now hear them on Comboland Radio.
I also wrote about finding the Moonpie 7 inch in some of my old vinyl. It is fully restored and in the playlist. Another restored 7 inch from Fielding Darden is also new to Comboland Radio.
Coming up on Comboland Radio…
As I continue to fill holes in the library more from Polvo including their new 7 inch, Jennyanykind, Trailer Bride, The Moaners, more from both Dexter Romweber and the Flat Duo Jets, 4 Who Dared (even though Todd Jones said on his website that this Lp could "not be found anywhere on planet earth", and whatever else I stumble across.