Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sparkleberries, Mollybond, X-Teens Club Mix!!

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Another off-season with the day job that is SO busy it leaves little time for Comboland Radio. But I have added a couple of things:
The Sparkleberries - "Architect Of Woe" (Love it!!) and "Skylight"
Mollybond - "Change" and "Friday Night"
David Dixon - "Whisper"

Of course I am also playing cuts from the most recent SCOTS release "Kudzu Ranch" and the new Superchunk tunes too... along with LOTS of other great music new and ancient. Check it out!

I have a bit of Comboland Radio email to catch up on too but if you have an artist/band suggestion please do let me know.

A recent eBay find!!!! In the early 80's it seemed like every artist/band had a 12 inch club/dance remix. One I missed way back then was from the X-Teens self-titled LP on Dolphin Records. I don't remember it, never had it, but did find it on eBay. It features 4 songs total with a 6 minute version of "Hard Is A Love Departing" on one side (the "club" side), and 3 songs on the "radio side". They are "Tonight, Tonight", "Nothing Left To Say" and "Baby John". I'm not sure this record had ever been played! It is super clean and needed little in the way of audio restoration in the transfer to my digital library. I'm gonna stick the Club Mix into the hot rotation for a few weeks so listen up!

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